Saturday, June 19, 2004

Harvest is still on hold. This is the first harvest in a long time that has been different from routine. Today I was in the Tabor library looking at their collection of DVDs and CDs, and somehow I felt like I was delinquent in my duties, I felt somehow that I should be out in a field contemplating how long I should wait before I needed to unload the combine onto the grain-cart so as to have just the right amount of wheat on the truck (not over-full and not under-full) and not in the air conditioning of the library considering whether to check out Casablanca or Citizen Kane or both--I chose the latter, along with a 1926 making of Göthe's Faust.

It's about 60 degrees right now (in the evening), and there are low hanging clouds, almost like a fog. It's hard to see how the wheat could do much drying tomorrow if this sort of damp weather holds, which will be the case according to the forecasts.


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