I like kitties. I like cardinals that sit on juniper tree branches.
okay...now, somebody argue against me for that. why don't you quote some bible verses or something.
seems these days you can't say anything without pissing somebody off.
just let it go.
from me lots of affirmation going to "the woolf" about her comments about faith. maybe somebody will argue with that. but we've all just got to let it go. disagreement is fine, conversation is fine, even being passionate is fine, but ...
I guess the only thing I could add to the comments about faith is that i see faith as being somehow beyond one's system of beliefs (i.e. propositions one assents to). This isn't to say that faith has nothing to do with believing something.
I don't know, this is my thought, this is my prayer, that people will listen and not be hostile or feel attacked. Feeling like what I'm saying is scary is OK. it scares me.
this is how i see it...now if someone sees otherwise, there is no need to give me a diatribe about what the bible says faith is, at least that's how I see it.
Kitties I like. Cardinals I like. But stupid people piss me off!!!!!
That felt good....
...good for you!
It was sarcasm... :-)
Stupid people challenges us to rise above their level of mediocrity.
Kitties and cardinals do not.
these past few days I've noticed spring around the city and Bronxville: daffodils, forsythia,little purple things--and I realize how the world just kind of goes on with its life, whether or not we are throwing around theological terms. Somehow this is comforting and grounding for me.
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