Interestingly enough I still cringe at the thought of doing any serious writing after last semester. Hopefully that feeling will go away by the time Spring semester rolls around. This is bound to be a rather banal post, unfortunately. It snowed a bit, iced a lot here, but now it's beginning to melt--not in one of those crazy Kansas ways where one morning the temperature decides to skyrocket above freezing and all the snow and ice just melts of in like six hours; today it's just a little above freezing--enough to make the ice on the roads into dirty slushy stuff.
Relative to last Interterm, this one sucks. Last January I took Philosophy of Language (if I wasn't a philosophy nerd before that class, I certainly was after it), and this January I'm taking Earth Science to get my damned lab science Gen-Ed requirement out of the way finally. I find it highly annoying that the labs I had to do for Calc I (and then taught those same labs two years later) don't qualify as a lab science class even though the math major is officially named "Mathematics/Mathematical Sciences." I guess math labs don't count as science. Strange. Oh well. The only thing that sucks about Earth Science is that between all of my middle school science classes and like four years of watching Bill Nye the Science Guy I've heard it all before so it gets pretty annoying to sit in a class three hours each day and hear it all over again. Oh well.
Last night I went to a basketball game.
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