Saturday, July 24, 2004

Cold July Rain

Rained since Thursday afternoon; stopped this morning sometime about mid-morning.  The clouds look wet and Octoberish.  Something within wants it.

Now wearing a jacket and it is cozy to be wearing a jacket and wearing comfortable socks and shoes and for my feet to be dry.  Not much more does a body need than a cozy jacket; not much more, not much more. 

"Where there is only coarse rice to eat and water to drink and only an arm for a pillow, still there is happiness."  Ah, but this is tricky; but not a trick, indeed true, but hard; true, hard, to the point of appearing false.

"Most people dislike having their deepest beliefs questioned, but they are quick as wolves when it comes to maintaining material wealth."  This is hard to swallow.  It is cold.  Some say truth is cold.  But truth may also be hot.

Someone asks, "What should I do and not do?"  And someone answers:  "Keep to the road; bend toward your task."

"But what should I do?"  "Do not keep to one road, and in that way inhibit the operation of that which cannot be named.  I mean to tell you, it can be named, but in that name we will not be speaking of that which can be named, but a straw dog only."


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