Sunday, September 19, 2004

In Anticipation

Even though the past few days have been warm and windy, the atmosphere has taken on a more autumnal feel. One feels it especially in the evenings when the clouds are thinning in the west as the sun goes down.

I anticipate one morning getting up and shaking off a chill, looking outside to see that it is time to put on a sweater. I wore sweaters for three of the four months I was in Budapest--I got really tired of them (and they of me, perhaps). Now I'm ready for them to be back. And coats! don't forget the coats. They're good too. And hats.

On an entirely different note: Now that I'm taking a grammar class and actually understanding it (unlike all through middle and high school) I notice the structure of my sentences. I find myself actually thinking: "Oh, that's an adverbial phrase" and "Hmm, that really isn't grammatical the way I've written it." Reminds me of the first summer I roofed: when I wasn't on the job I found myself looking at roofs as I passed by walking.


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