Monday, September 04, 2006

Being a student in a state school, I have today off--from teaching and going to classes that is. However, I should be working on writing up my Probability Theory homework. I've got most of the problems solved but now I have to actually write up the solutions in format. There's also a bunch of Linear Algebra needing to be worked on. But today there's a M*A*S*H marathon--until 2:00 am. Luckily I've seen most of the episodes before so I can sort of just put it on as background noise while I'm working.

Last night I ate supper at one of my Indian friend's apartment. Unfortunately I don't remember all the names of the dishes, but it was all really good. I'm going to try to get her to teach me how to make them, but I don't know when either of us is going to have time. The Americans at this little gathering were in the minority--just me and one other student--so after dinner and desert they all asked about American perceptions of India and its history--and vice versa.


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