Sunday, February 06, 2005


I just transfered all the old comments to the new commenting system. Note: you don't have to have a account to use the new system; just hit the "post anonymously" link when it asks you for your username and password.


I've just decided to use the built-in Blogger comment feature. Eventually i'll transfer all the comments (the very, very few that were made...hehe) from the old thing to the new thing and everything'll be swanky or something. Ok...that's all.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


I just realized that the email address I gave in the last post for people to send extra comments was actually the wrong email address. I have two email addresses: one with Hotmail and one with Yahoo and occasionally I get the two crossed so the email address i gave is my yahoo username with the hotmail domain. The address I ment to give is