finally getting out a little bit
last weekend went out to marion reservoir and took some pics, then drove around the country-side a bit like i used to do so much back in high shcool but now that gas isn't so cheap i don't do it very much. anywho...i'm pretty tired and don't feel like waxing poetic about going to the reservoir (for that matter i've gone out there so many times that there isn't much to say). Yet there is something possibly to say. last saturday was sort of overcast so there was some nice flat lighting with an occasional burst of sunlight trying to break through the clouds. it was rather warm as well--around 75 degrees F or so. earlier in the day i did some digging in the garden back home. have to get back there sometime and do some more digging up of the plots so the ground'll be nice'n mellow in the spring which isn't too far off.